My Quotidian

November 17, 2010

If God made something better than sex, he kept it for himself.

I am not as good all night as I once was: but I am better once  a night then I ever was.

Success is not a guarantee just because you try but if you don’t failure is.

It takes time to be good but time won’t make you  good.

If some one, company etc., has to keep reminding you how good they are, they aren’t.

It is better to tell a big lie then a little one people are more likely to believe it.

Someone was confused when they said this.

“One in the hand is better then two in the bush.”

To give is sacred but to come is divine.

Watch my new Music video.

Only in hell…

November 15, 2010

Only in hell…
Only in hell…


Only in hell,are you really safe…

pulp fiction     pop fiction   pulp culture    sci fi



“This is New York, New York talk radio, 88.7 on your Radio dial. It’s Seven-Forty-five P.M. on another defiantly bitter cold night with occasional snow flurries highly unusual for April but let’s face it that’s what makes the Big Apple well the Big Apple. Tonight’s topic of discussion is tobacco and is the Government actually concerned about our health and well being or are they just blowing smoke and collecting more taxes.. Before we take our first call we need to take a station break.”

“That’s what I forgot,” thought Stephen Franco as he reached down switching off the radio pulling into the parking lot, of the convince store, covered with freshly fallen snow.

“The radio D.J. was right it certainly wasn’t a typical March he agreed, but this New Year had, had a lot of surprises so far. “Whoa!”  He exclaimed catching his balance after slipping on a piece of ice,  “Looks like smoking is going to kill me one way or another.”

Nov 22,2010 2

Before he realizes he has stepped into an armed robbery in progress though he senses something is wrong by the look of terror on the cashiers face as he opens the door he is shot by one of the assailants.

“Jesus Christ” stammered the clerk.” You, You, shot him!”

“You’re next if you don’t hurry up and give me the money” promised the shooter sticking his pistol in the clerks face and pulling back the hammer. “Steady bad boy,” coaxed the shooter after the clerk nearly drops the money as he hands it to him because he’s shaking so badly.” I don’t want to have to shoot your ass. That’s a boy” he said smiling grabbing the cash out of the clerks hand. “Now the rest of you I want your watches, rings and billfolds on the counter now, and then lay down on the floor. If one of you even thinks

of playing the hero you’re going to be joining him!” He said waving his gun at the body of Stephen Franco on the floor “Okay let’s go” said the shooter to his accomplice scooping up what the clients had deposited on the counter.

“I say we waste them, all of them” said the accomplice “no witness left to identify us”

“You do it. I am out of here, anyway we’ve got what we came for” he responded bolting for the door.

Pointing his gun point blank range at the clerk the accomplice hesitates and then smiles releasing the hammer of his .44 magnum with his thumb. “Must be your lucky day, I’d say a whole lot luckier then him” he said stepping over the bloody body on the floor on his way to the door.

“Where am I?” Franco asked. Entering a room resembling a Victorian Court room.

“Where do you think you are,” asked a man sitting in the middle of five people dressed like judges behind a large elegantly crafted wooden table.

“The last thing I remember was I was shot.”

“You are at the place of final judgment.” Answered the man sitting in the middle who appeared to be the Chief Justice. ”

You mean I’m, I’m dead?”

“Physically yes. But your conscious never dies, your spirit if you will. Right now your conscious has left your body, some of your philosophers call it, an out of body experience.” replied the Chief Justice.

“So what happens now?”

“It has been decided that you are being sent back.”

“Sent back? I thought I was dead.” stated France.

“You are but only momentarily until we tell you what your mission is to be.”

“My mission, I don’t understand. ”

“You’re being sent back with a message, for the F.B.I.” answered one of the female Judges at the end of the table.

“You’re going to do what with me?” asked Franco unbelievably.

“I know it all sounds unbelievable  we have our reasons but right now we don’t have the time discuss them. We only have a matter of moments before we can’t send you back at all,” responded another female Judge sitting on the other end of the table.

Part III   12/07/10

“How will I know what to do, what to say?”

“Before you regain conscientious you will know what to say and what to do,”assured the Chief Justice.

” If I do what you are sending me back to do will you bring me back here so I can be with my family?”

“We,” turning and looking at the other Judges before responding, “will take it under consideration.”


“That is all we can do, you must go, now, there is no time left.” finished the Chief Justice.

“Okay what’ve we got,” asked the head surgeon taking the clipboard from the intern.

“Massive hemorrhage from a gun shot wound by all rights and means he shouldn’t be alive.”

“Never a dull moment at the downtown Brooklyn emergency ward that’s for sure. Looks like he is,” looking over the data and then checking Franco’s vital signs “so that means he’s a fighter, giving back the clipboard.” Okay people let’s go we got a better then a normal chance with this one he wants to live so let’s do the best for him we can,” he said fallowing the gurney being pushed inside the operating room.

“So does anybody know the story behind this one,” asked the surgeon while pulling on his gloves and mask.

“The police who brought him in said he accidentally walked into a robbery spooked the gunman and he shot him,” answered the intern.

“Anything else?”

“No just another innocent victim”.

“Do we know his occupation?”

“They’re still looking into that,” answered the head nurse.

“Has his family been contacted.”

“They’re not sure if he has a family” repied the nurse.

” Okay let’s get the party started” said the doctor after suiting up. “How’s the blood pressure, Nurse.”

“50 over 35, Doctor.”

“Okay two cc’s of nitro.”

“Doctor don’t you think the dose should be at least ten cc’s”, asked the intern..

“If we were dealing with a normal case but we’re not. . Blood pressure?”

“Rising one two three four. Okay people stay alert we’ve lost too much blood we need a couple of pints before we go in. What’s his blood type?’

“Double O negative Doctor” responed the nurse. ”

Do we have any on board?” ”

Not unless we got some in the last hour.”

Okay get on the computer and check the other hospitals and see if you can locate some.”

“The closest is New Jersey city hospital,” Doctor reported the technician  . “Too far okay get the patient ready for live transfusion.”

“Doctor we don’t have anyone who matches this blood type.”

“That’s where you’re wrong” he said rolling up his sleeve.

“Heart rate slowing pulse flatting”., warned the Nurse.

“Okay prep patient.”

“Patient prepped and ready, Doctor.”

“Okay insertion nurse starting with me.” cleansing his arm with alcohol.  “Doctor I object there’s a big chance with your loss of blood it could make you unable to perform surgery causing the loss of the patient.”stated the intern.

“Heart rate is slowing pulse is almost non-existent,” injected the Nurse.

“Noted” stated the Doctor, smiling at the intern, “so today I watch and you perform. Okay Nurse start the transfusion somebody give me the stats.

“All vital signs malfunctioning” warned the Nurse.

“Okay my friend hang in there we’re bringing you back just stay with us for a little while longer we’ll do the rest. Readings please, Nurse”

” Blood pressure rising heart rate still low but regular  Doctor.”

“Good very good we’re coming into the home stretch we can’t afford to drop the ball now.  Okay you’re on,” turning to the intern,” take the forceps and go in the hole and take the bullet out.”

“How do you know that the bullet is there?”

“Because there ‘s no exit wound and it doesn’t appear to have hit any bones, causing them to shatter or have bounced around inside him. If it’s not right there it will be close. Readings please.”

“Blood pressure appears to be too low, Doctor.”

“Just the readings please, Nurse.”

“Sorry Doctor.. Blood Pressure steady 55 over 30 heart rate steady 38 counts per minute breathing less rapidly slowing to normal brain waves still abnormal but showing less fluctuation…”

“Doctor,” interrupted the intern, “I believe I have located the bullet.”

“Now focus all your attention on getting it out of him while I talk you through it. Now take your forceps and squeeze it gently making sure it isn’t an organ before you try to remove it. Once you have slowly rotate your forceps in half circles as you withdraw it making sure you’re not hooking on anything.”

“Okay Doctor”, by the way how are you doing asked the intern.

“If I was any better I’d be in Tahiti.”

“I’ve got it out Doctor,” he said cautiously extracting the bullet through the hole and showing it to him.

Gothic music video:,mr=109084170,t=1,mt=video

She was….

November 14, 2010

Red high heeled shoes   Intense Baby Blues

Fish Net stockings      Red Ruby lips

Perfect Pearly White teeth

She was so hot she was smoking, though the temperature was close to sub zero, standing there in her suede angle length wool lined coat slightly unbuttoned showing her Grey turtle neck pull over accented by her matching skirt. Yeah I could even see her perfectly shaped legs, which were delicately encased by her semi fishnet nylons high-lighted by a pair of red high-heeled  shoes.
You didn’t have to be a poor smuck like me to see that this babe had money, or knew someone that had it and though she looked like she had stepped out of a Roy Liechtenstein picture you knew she was real because you could see the vapor in the air every time she exhaled, as she stood there on the Quay.

“Steady boy” I told myself, “you don’t want to scare her but getting closer would be nice.”
As I discreetly made my way toward her she looked right at me with her intense baby blues and honed right into me as if I were an attack jet coming in for the kill I had been caught red handed like a little kid caught with hands in the cookie jar.
“So what took you so long. I been standing here waiting for you to make a move,” she said through a pair of red ruby lips that showed perfect pearl white teeth. “I could have frozen to death before you got to me,” she smiled with a face of an angel that would have put Michelangelo, De Vinci or any of the great artists to shame.

“Were you talking to me…?”

I asked innocently like some high school pimple faced teenager who had been staring at his classmates crouch through the whole lesson until the chick looked at him and smiled and then turned around.

“Did you have to ask?” she asked with a touch of a Parisian accent.

“Yeah I guess I did,” I blushed.

“How sweet how innocent” she cooed “I haven’t had a man blush for me since I was in the Lycee, High School. I assume you’re taking the same train I am to Paris, yes?’

As far as I was concerned the train could have been going to hell and I would have still nodded my head.

“That’s great we can ride together in my first class cabin.”

“I love to I responded but I am afraid I am in second class.”

“You American’s you worry about everything. Don’t worry they never check me and if they do let me handle everything,” she assured me taking me by the hand and literally pulling to toward the first class section as the train arrived.


Stay tunned for the next episode:

“What do you find the most fascinating in France?”

Visit my channel at:,mr=109084224,t=1,mt=video

Just 4 U

November 4, 2010

So what’s your story,sister?     VALUE

Broadcast yourself     Just 4 U

“So what’s your story sister,?” I quested. “What is it that you can give me that no on else can?

” Value.” she cooed.

“Value? “I reiterated. “That’s right value you big lumix,” she reaffirmed soothing. “You see it doesn’t make any difference whether you’re a guy or a doll. We’re all looking for something that we can believe in something that has…

“Value” I said beating her to the punch.

“That’s right buster ,Value”

” Like what?” I demanded.

“Like Metacafe”.

“Metacafe”I echoed.

“You heard; me they deliver faster and better then your favorite pizza joint and they don’t give you a bunch of false promises and then beat it out the back door before you get wise.”

“So what makes them so special?”

“See for yourself Mr. Entrepreneur here at their web site you can even link your other accounts.”

That was the last time I ever saw her but she had given me: Metacafe and Myspace and that was what  I needed:

Fallow this link to Myspace Metacafe and view my videos and get your own broadcast Channel.,mr=109091843,t=1,mt=video


November 1, 2010

A FRENCH DILEMMA                                POURQUOI PAS

ONLY IN FRANCE                                  A FRENCH DREAM

Well if you don’t know it the votes have been cast in the French Senate to make the official retirement age 62, semi, the full retirement at 67, here is your news flash..

As Mme. Lagarde said “You have the right to strike but not block. You have the right to demonstrate but not break.”  They never heard her a typical reaction from angry thoughtless people.

The strikes cost millions of Euro’s not just from the destroying and breaking but causing people to lose their businesses.

A truck driver caught on camera who was trying to pick up gas at one of the refineries responded to one of the strikers who was adamant about him joining the strike and was not sympathetic to their cause. “What about my family and all the ones that depend on gas to get to work, the store, church etc. What about the Gas Station owners who depend on the sale of the gas to keep their doors open what about them?”

Good question what about  them and others like this truck driver? Many of the small gas stations have gone out of business or will need Governmental aide to stay open.  Some the boats in the Harbors sat there for over 35 days their expenses didn’t go on strike and most of them were not oil carriers. This will have an inflationary effect on everything from food to cloths and everything in between.

What’s really revolting is the Gangster rapper want ta be’s who destroyed properties, public and private, costing in the millions, weren’t so active the last week of October when the final vote was cast. Why? Well they were on vacation something that happens around this time every year in France for the schools. Which shows how dedicated they were to their “weak as water” cause. Most of them have never worked a day in their lives and what’s even scarier is that they will have adopt a system like the U.S. if they want to keep their Socialized System going before most of them are in their mid 30’s.

My heart goes out to the ones who believe in their country and want to do everything they can to make life better for their families may they prosper.

Free guitar lessons

October 22, 2010

Free Guitar lessons   Free Guitar Tuner

Free Metronome  Free Video Channel

If you’re serious about playing the guitar but don’t have the time for scheduled lessons here are some links that help. The reason I advocate these certain links is I have played guitar for years but still could not duplicate what I heard in my ears or head, The second reason being is I have bought a lot of music, books lessons on and on and aways came away searching my head”Is that all there is?” Peggy Lee.

Here in my opinion is one of the best if not best.

Another great teacher is:

I believe David is the best teacher on this site though the girls are nice to look at:

After two months of watching and fallowing their lessons I have written two songs that you can find on YouTube and I am completing two more have a listen: I go under the name of Stephen Braze if you want to see other things I have on other sites.

You will find other sights on Mteacafe,Youtube and Dailymotion that are good may-be as good but not better check them out and Go man Go!

Free guitar tuner

Free Metronome

The final hour

October 21, 2010


A FAREWELL TO VIOLENCE                             WHAT NOW?

Today October 21, 2010 will be the decisive day whether Sarkozy’s 62 year old retirement age goes into effect.

Whether it does or doesn’t the Unions driven by the hardcore Socialist’s  have wounded their efforts by not coming forth and telling the students and other rioters, supposedly sympathetic to their cause, that violence is not the answer and is not acceptable. Why haven’t they? They don’t know how they know how to complain and disrupt but have no answers on what can be done to rectify and go on. Another reason is if they ignore it long enough it will go away.

Their best argument for keeping the retirement age at 60 is that their fathers retired at that age. What they won’t tell you is that Sarkozy was elected because one of his campaign promises was to reform the retirement system What happened? He’s doing what he promised to do but it’s like most everybody else forgot about that part.

October 19th they burned a school in Le Mans. Now the students have to be placed in other schools putting a burden on already over crowded classrooms and schools and an additional stress on the families concerned.

In Lyon they burned several cars and damaged several businesses, some seriously, plus several public bus stations and other public areas.

In Marsaille the trash has accumulated into huge piles so some most accommodating individuals decided it was their duty to set them afire burning several cars and damaging other property.

The Airports are a nightmare they have them blocked right before you get to the main terminals so the people are getting out of their cabs and wheeling their luggage the rest of the way.

Mme. Lagarde said it best last night on TF1. The Unions have the right to Strike they do have the right to block, The Unions have the right to protest they do not have the right to break, destroy.

There are many people here in France who believe they have a job to do and that when they are prohibited from doing it they have lost the freedom of choice which is in their constitution.

Sarkozy has ordered three of the refineries opened several more will fallow suit.

What the ones who have caused destruction and violence don’t about their country is it takes a long time for justice to prevail but when it does it comes down like a iron hammer and for the ones wearing the masks this can be construed as terrorism.

The Real French News

October 19, 2010


A FRENCH REALITY                           THE FRENCH STRIKES

October 19,2010

If you’re thinking about coming to France now or in the near future you better change your plans immediately.

The strikes here in France, I am an American living just outside of Paris, have turned ugly and violent with no end in sight.

The Unions started out with their magnifications in fairly orderly fashion but when they encouraged the students to participate in their activities it spiraled  out of control almost immediately. Instead of following a doctrine of this is what we believe, instead we’re going to cause havoc, disruption, destruction and raw violence. Most of these so-called students, come from the better off families of Paris, France and Europe. They’re using the excuse of the Retirement fiasco to vent their Gangster Rap inhibitions on the authorities, burning cars, destroying public property as well as beating up journalists who are in the area doing their job. This is freeing up the real Gangsters that are in the gun, drug and other illegal trades to do their deals while the police are trying to keep some type of control.

So far these strikes combined with their destruction and over all violence has cost the French society well into the millions of Euros and does not look like it’s going to stop soon.

What’s really scary is the ones that are blocking the ports and refineries causing a serious gas shortage as it drives the prices up are going to have to pay higher prices at the pump, grocery stores and taxes. What’s even scarier is that the age of  62 is not good enough they should be considering 65 and then compromise.

What will be one of the definite outcomes of this?

If Sarkozy pulls this off it will weaken the Unions but will save the French socialized system at least for now: if he loses he will not be reelected and the PS, Partie Socialist will come into power guaranteeing  inter fighting among the Party and destroying the French Socialized system as it is known today.

Stay tuned for more posts.

Scam me baby, scam me good.

October 18, 2010

With times getting tougher instead of better the scammers are finding it  easier and easier pickings. They’re finding people more desperate then ever before but easier ways of doing it without getting caught.

The easiest way is by blog such as this one they get your information by you putting your email or any other type information on your pages. Facebook, Dailymotion, How Cast, on and on have links and followers some you might know and some you might not and even if you do people can make a new account, a new e mail a new identity and you’ll never know.

Then there’s the ones who put themselves on video with their info public after all if you’re looking for Stardom how they going to know about you, the producers, if you don’t go public.

You’re usually approached with a Hi how are you? My Dearest One, Do I know you? Then there’s the ones that go for your jugular right off the go: You’ve won the European Lotto, or you have a relative who’s willed you millions of dollars you get the picture.

Once you hand over your money and you realize you’ve been taken most of the time you won’t report it you’re too ashamed. Even if you do the authorities can’t do anything because most of these crooks are in a foreign countries.

You can look up these scammers on the 419 watch or just type in Known scams or type in who these people claim to be. The Global Lotto for example. Protect yourself no one gets anything for free except for trouble. Remember if it sounds too good to be true it is.

Hello everybody!

October 13, 2010

A great big hello and I hope you are doing well.

I would like to introduce myself. I go by the name of Brazen Blade.

I am a singer songwriter primarily I also write short stories.

I will be posting <my music>, <voice guitar> on this sight with links to <YouTube> if you want to find out more about music and the art of composing it. No I won’t be doing the lessons I will giving links on my YouTube channel.

If you have any questions you can look up my email address and send me a question or comment. I will list it on the blogs that I put my music on until then.

Have a super day and may the good news be yours.

You can go to my page at YouTube and get the latest guitar lessons, movies and music.