Posts Tagged ‘murder’

Suddenly, a Rise in Piracy’s Price

February 26, 2011





*** Before you get into the article that everybody has posted on the Internet because the basic information comes from the International wire service. Here are some non violent solutions that can and will work:***

1) Invasion is insane as was Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) Missiles, bombing last resort if at all.

3) Satellite monitoring: Non violent and cheap and accurate They’re already up there and they can see a whole lot better then ships planes etc..

4) Radio,T.V. broadcasting dropping pamphlets telling them what the International limits are and what the consequence’s will be if they persist

5) Next summit meeting at the U.N or G8, 20 come up with a Universal agreement on how to put and end to this harassment and then inform Somali what it is. They have been taking advantage of the non unification of all the countries. The only ones  they fear is Israel and China because they don’t threaten (they do.)

6) Setting up a platform(s) like oil platforms off the International limits, there is oil out there they would help off set the costs. From these platforms they could monitor their moves with the satellites broadcast Radio, T.V. submissions while blocking their radars and other technical devices Internet etc. From the platforms they could  have Air to Air, Air to Ground portable rockets and a small force of International Gorilla Special Forces.

7) Tell them that if they persist their harbors and bays will be mined and then do it if they don’t respect the International warnings.

8) Catch a couple of them and then prosecute them on International T.V. And sentence them to a life time of hard labor. Execution would make them a martyr for their cause.

Here are some solutions without causing bloodshed.

The simple phrase.”Spare the rod Spoil the child.” Is appropriate here. Like children, which they are, they will push it until they are reprimanded. The longer they aren’t the bolder they’ll get.

Sending in a Army is a bad and it gets  a lot people killed.

Now here’s the article. If think I am right contact your Congress person and send them my blog.***

AT some point, Thomas Jefferson realized, you just can’t do business with pirates any more.

For years, the infant American government, along with many others, had accepted the humiliating practice of paying tribute — essentially mob-style protection fees — to a handful of rulers in the Barbary states so that American ships crossing the Mediterranean would not get hijacked. But in 1801, Tripoli’s pasha, Yusuf Karamanli, tried to jack up his prices. Jefferson said no. And when the strongman turned his pirates loose on American ships, Jefferson sent in the Navy to bombard Tripoli, starting a war that eventually brought the Barbary states to their knees. Rampant piracy went to sleep for nearly 200 years.

The question now is: Are we nearing another enough-is-enough moment with pirates?

On Tuesday, Somali pirates shot and killed four American hostages. A single hostage intentionally killed by these pirates had been almost unheard of; four dead was unprecedented. Until now, the first thing that came to mind about Somalia’s buccaneers was that they were brash and mercurial. Just a few weeks ago they let go some Sri Lankan fishermen after they essentially said, “You’re poor, like us.” They were seen as a nuisance, albeit an expensive one, but not a lethal threat.

Exactly what happened Tuesday is still murky. Pirates in the Arabian Sea had hijacked a sailboat skippered by a retired couple from California, and when the American Navy closed in, the pirates got twitchy. Navy Seals rushed aboard but it was too late. It’s still not clear why the pirates would want to kill the hostages when their business model, which has raked in more than $100 million in the past few years, is based on ransoming captives alive.

“Of course, I do not know what the U.S. will do in response to this latest atrocity,” said Frank Lambert, a professor at Purdue who is an expert on the Barbary pirates. But, he said, “Jefferson advocated an armed response and eventually war against Tripoli for far less provocation.”

For years now, Somali pirates with fiberglass skiffs and salt-rusted Kalashnikovs have been commandeering ships along one of the most congested shipping routes in the world — the Gulf of Aden, a vital conduit for Middle East oil to Europe and the United States. More than 50 vessels are now held captive, from Thai fishing trawlers to European supertankers, with more than 800 hostages. Those numbers grow each year.

But the international response has been limited, partly because the most promising remedies are intensely complicated and risky. Western powers, including the United States, have sent warships to cruise Somalia’s coast and discourage attacks. When a vessel is hijacked, ship owners cough up a ransom, nowadays in the neighborhood of $5 million, and most of that cost gets passed to the end user — consumers. Until recently, most hostages would emerge unharmed, albeit skinny and pale from being locked in a filthy room. The average time in captivity is around six months.

But recently the pirates have been getting more vicious; reports have emerged of beatings, of being hung upside down, even of being forced at gunpoint to join in raids. And now the pirates have gunned down four Americans.

“I think there’s going to be some type of retaliation,” said a European diplomat in Nairobi, Kenya, who trades ideas on anti-piracy strategies with other diplomats and was instructed not to speak publicly about the issues. “I could see the Americans going after the pirate bosses, the organizers, maybe even blockade some of the ports that they use,” he speculated. “I don’t think the Americans are going to invade Somalia, because of Iraq and Afghanistan, but they can use local allies.” Another obvious possibility would be American Special Forces, who have killed terrorism suspects in Somalia.

The American government isn’t revealing its plans but officials suggest — as long as they are not quoted by name — that the killings of the four Americans could be a game-changer. “We get it,” said one State Department official. “We get the need to recalibrate.”

Any course of action, however, will confront two huge obstacles: the immensity of the sea and the depth of chaos in Somalia.

The pirates used to stick relatively close to Somalia’s shores. But now, using “mother ships” — hijacked vessels that serve as floating bases — they attack ships more than 1,000 miles away. Sometimes that puts them closer to India than to home. The red zone now covers more than one million square miles of water, an area naval officers say is impossible to control.


Only in hell…

November 15, 2010

Only in hell…
Only in hell…


Only in hell,are you really safe…

pulp fiction     pop fiction   pulp culture    sci fi



“This is New York, New York talk radio, 88.7 on your Radio dial. It’s Seven-Forty-five P.M. on another defiantly bitter cold night with occasional snow flurries highly unusual for April but let’s face it that’s what makes the Big Apple well the Big Apple. Tonight’s topic of discussion is tobacco and is the Government actually concerned about our health and well being or are they just blowing smoke and collecting more taxes.. Before we take our first call we need to take a station break.”

“That’s what I forgot,” thought Stephen Franco as he reached down switching off the radio pulling into the parking lot, of the convince store, covered with freshly fallen snow.

“The radio D.J. was right it certainly wasn’t a typical March he agreed, but this New Year had, had a lot of surprises so far. “Whoa!”  He exclaimed catching his balance after slipping on a piece of ice,  “Looks like smoking is going to kill me one way or another.”

Nov 22,2010 2

Before he realizes he has stepped into an armed robbery in progress though he senses something is wrong by the look of terror on the cashiers face as he opens the door he is shot by one of the assailants.

“Jesus Christ” stammered the clerk.” You, You, shot him!”

“You’re next if you don’t hurry up and give me the money” promised the shooter sticking his pistol in the clerks face and pulling back the hammer. “Steady bad boy,” coaxed the shooter after the clerk nearly drops the money as he hands it to him because he’s shaking so badly.” I don’t want to have to shoot your ass. That’s a boy” he said smiling grabbing the cash out of the clerks hand. “Now the rest of you I want your watches, rings and billfolds on the counter now, and then lay down on the floor. If one of you even thinks

of playing the hero you’re going to be joining him!” He said waving his gun at the body of Stephen Franco on the floor “Okay let’s go” said the shooter to his accomplice scooping up what the clients had deposited on the counter.

“I say we waste them, all of them” said the accomplice “no witness left to identify us”

“You do it. I am out of here, anyway we’ve got what we came for” he responded bolting for the door.

Pointing his gun point blank range at the clerk the accomplice hesitates and then smiles releasing the hammer of his .44 magnum with his thumb. “Must be your lucky day, I’d say a whole lot luckier then him” he said stepping over the bloody body on the floor on his way to the door.

“Where am I?” Franco asked. Entering a room resembling a Victorian Court room.

“Where do you think you are,” asked a man sitting in the middle of five people dressed like judges behind a large elegantly crafted wooden table.

“The last thing I remember was I was shot.”

“You are at the place of final judgment.” Answered the man sitting in the middle who appeared to be the Chief Justice. ”

You mean I’m, I’m dead?”

“Physically yes. But your conscious never dies, your spirit if you will. Right now your conscious has left your body, some of your philosophers call it, an out of body experience.” replied the Chief Justice.

“So what happens now?”

“It has been decided that you are being sent back.”

“Sent back? I thought I was dead.” stated France.

“You are but only momentarily until we tell you what your mission is to be.”

“My mission, I don’t understand. ”

“You’re being sent back with a message, for the F.B.I.” answered one of the female Judges at the end of the table.

“You’re going to do what with me?” asked Franco unbelievably.

“I know it all sounds unbelievable  we have our reasons but right now we don’t have the time discuss them. We only have a matter of moments before we can’t send you back at all,” responded another female Judge sitting on the other end of the table.

Part III   12/07/10

“How will I know what to do, what to say?”

“Before you regain conscientious you will know what to say and what to do,”assured the Chief Justice.

” If I do what you are sending me back to do will you bring me back here so I can be with my family?”

“We,” turning and looking at the other Judges before responding, “will take it under consideration.”


“That is all we can do, you must go, now, there is no time left.” finished the Chief Justice.

“Okay what’ve we got,” asked the head surgeon taking the clipboard from the intern.

“Massive hemorrhage from a gun shot wound by all rights and means he shouldn’t be alive.”

“Never a dull moment at the downtown Brooklyn emergency ward that’s for sure. Looks like he is,” looking over the data and then checking Franco’s vital signs “so that means he’s a fighter, giving back the clipboard.” Okay people let’s go we got a better then a normal chance with this one he wants to live so let’s do the best for him we can,” he said fallowing the gurney being pushed inside the operating room.

“So does anybody know the story behind this one,” asked the surgeon while pulling on his gloves and mask.

“The police who brought him in said he accidentally walked into a robbery spooked the gunman and he shot him,” answered the intern.

“Anything else?”

“No just another innocent victim”.

“Do we know his occupation?”

“They’re still looking into that,” answered the head nurse.

“Has his family been contacted.”

“They’re not sure if he has a family” repied the nurse.

” Okay let’s get the party started” said the doctor after suiting up. “How’s the blood pressure, Nurse.”

“50 over 35, Doctor.”

“Okay two cc’s of nitro.”

“Doctor don’t you think the dose should be at least ten cc’s”, asked the intern..

“If we were dealing with a normal case but we’re not. . Blood pressure?”

“Rising one two three four. Okay people stay alert we’ve lost too much blood we need a couple of pints before we go in. What’s his blood type?’

“Double O negative Doctor” responed the nurse. ”

Do we have any on board?” ”

Not unless we got some in the last hour.”

Okay get on the computer and check the other hospitals and see if you can locate some.”

“The closest is New Jersey city hospital,” Doctor reported the technician  . “Too far okay get the patient ready for live transfusion.”

“Doctor we don’t have anyone who matches this blood type.”

“That’s where you’re wrong” he said rolling up his sleeve.

“Heart rate slowing pulse flatting”., warned the Nurse.

“Okay prep patient.”

“Patient prepped and ready, Doctor.”

“Okay insertion nurse starting with me.” cleansing his arm with alcohol.  “Doctor I object there’s a big chance with your loss of blood it could make you unable to perform surgery causing the loss of the patient.”stated the intern.

“Heart rate is slowing pulse is almost non-existent,” injected the Nurse.

“Noted” stated the Doctor, smiling at the intern, “so today I watch and you perform. Okay Nurse start the transfusion somebody give me the stats.

“All vital signs malfunctioning” warned the Nurse.

“Okay my friend hang in there we’re bringing you back just stay with us for a little while longer we’ll do the rest. Readings please, Nurse”

” Blood pressure rising heart rate still low but regular  Doctor.”

“Good very good we’re coming into the home stretch we can’t afford to drop the ball now.  Okay you’re on,” turning to the intern,” take the forceps and go in the hole and take the bullet out.”

“How do you know that the bullet is there?”

“Because there ‘s no exit wound and it doesn’t appear to have hit any bones, causing them to shatter or have bounced around inside him. If it’s not right there it will be close. Readings please.”

“Blood pressure appears to be too low, Doctor.”

“Just the readings please, Nurse.”

“Sorry Doctor.. Blood Pressure steady 55 over 30 heart rate steady 38 counts per minute breathing less rapidly slowing to normal brain waves still abnormal but showing less fluctuation…”

“Doctor,” interrupted the intern, “I believe I have located the bullet.”

“Now focus all your attention on getting it out of him while I talk you through it. Now take your forceps and squeeze it gently making sure it isn’t an organ before you try to remove it. Once you have slowly rotate your forceps in half circles as you withdraw it making sure you’re not hooking on anything.”

“Okay Doctor”, by the way how are you doing asked the intern.

“If I was any better I’d be in Tahiti.”

“I’ve got it out Doctor,” he said cautiously extracting the bullet through the hole and showing it to him.

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